Lukas Jöchner, Business Development Engineer 01.07.2024

Content marketing management with AI

Content marketing management with AI

News about tool launches and spectacular use cases of artificial intelligence (AI) flutter across our screens at regular intervals. We are gradually getting used to the almost absurd speed at which AI innovations outdo each other on an almost weekly basis. However, in the face of this flood of information, we should not overlook how helpful the technology can be in everyday life. In content marketing in particular, it opens up many exciting options. Generative artificial intelligence has long been relevant here - especially when creating, optimising and managing content.

Far more than text generation

Many of us have already had experiences with AI-generated texts, some inspiring, some sobering. It is therefore worth differentiating and identifying the areas in which AI actually makes valuable contributions. For example, it can be useful when creating product descriptions, which many companies need in large numbers. The data for this is available in-house and hardly any formulation skills are required. Editors save time by delegating some recurring tasks to the AI. In return, they have more room for creative and strategic work. 

So bietet sich insbesondere der Bereich Content Marketing als Einsatzbereich für KI an. Mithilfe von generierten Personas lassen sich Zielgruppen definieren und einschätzen. Dieser Fokus macht Maßnahmen effektiver und langfristig erfolgreich.

Effective content marketing

AI may not always or immediately deliver the best quality text. But it proves its worth, among other things

  • in topic planning by identifying new subject areas.
  • in structuring content, which is particularly interesting for longer texts.
  • when reformulating content, such as addressing the target group (you/you) or translations.
  • researching important keywords and target group questions on Google (which is SEO-relevant).
  • supplementing content with alt texts and metadata.
  • creating social media content and monitoring and analysing it.
  • when writing newsletters through content inspiration (teaser texts, subject lines, preheaders, etc.)

AI can therefore create significant added value in the marketing mix and relieve the burden on content marketing managers. The technology also offers numerous approaches for an even more targeted and therefore efficient approach.

Open source makes it possible

UEBERBIT mainly uses open source systems for the content management of platforms - primarily TYPO3 and Drupal. Especially in the field of artificial intelligence, we believe that the philosophy of free software is worth supporting. In our view, technological innovations should not lie exclusively in the hands of a few large companies, but should also be (further) developed in a decentralised, transparent and independent manner for the benefit of quality.

Both TYPO3 and Drupal already offer a wide range of functions based on AI. The open source communities have already done an excellent job of integrating features in the form of plugins and extensions. These make life easier for both developers and content creators with a wide range of options. 


Anyone using TYPO3 has a whole range of extensions at their disposal. Here are a few examples:

  • The TYPO3 extension nreach can be used to automatically describe images and add keywords, for example. The extension can check text and add content.
  • The t3_cowriter makes the public interface of ChatGPT accessible in the TYPO3 backend.
  • TYPO3 Open AI makes it possible to automatically generate and optimise content and supports SEO.
  • The AI SEO Helper extension helps with the creation of SEO metadata.
  • The Solver Extension makes it easier to identify and fix bugs during the development process.
  • Text summaries are possible with the News TLDR extension.
  • The MK Content AI extension generates images and ALT texts.
  • With numerous functions and features, the recently released AI Suite makes daily content work easier directly from the TYPO3 backend.


There are also specific AI modules for Drupal, for example:

  • Open AI: This module comprises various submodules, including Open AI CK and Open AI Content. Open AI CK can be integrated into the Drupal text editor. Texts can be created, adapted, summarised and translated directly from this editor. The Open AI Content module offers additional tools for text analysis and customisation, such as analysing text fields and suggesting taxonomy terms.
  • Augmentor AI offers widgets for automatically pre-filling Drupal forms. The module integrates with a wide range of application programming interfaces (APIs), including image-to-text, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, facial recognition and more.
  • In addition to filling fields with AI (text, images, audio, tags, etc.), the AI Interpolator enables the concatenation of many AI queries as well as the extraction of content.

Added value for editorial and marketing

Our team works with AI in various areas - from the conception of digital applications to their implementation. Among other things, we support our customers with advice and the integration of tools for AI-supported editorial work.

Cover photo: Freepik

Lukas Jöchner, UEBERBIT GmbH

About the author

Lukas Jöchner

Business Development Engineer

Lukas is familiar with the latest AI trends and knows where the technology can make business processes more effective.