BAUER Group now with multidomain platform based on Drupal

The globally active BAUER Group is now represented on the web with a new platform system. The long-established provider of services, machines and products for soil and groundwater communicates via this multi-domain presence in around 70 countries. We managed the central instrument of the future digital strategy for BAUER from conception to technological implementation.
The Group website marks the launch of the websites of the three main companies in the BAUER Group's business segments - Specialised Civil Engineering, Machines and Resources. Numerous other individual websites will follow. These will be created as part of the scaling multi-domain concept, with which an editorial team creates and maintains international websites for subsidiaries and product pages. Predefined elements, such as forms and content elements, can be shared via asset management and thus published on several domains simultaneously.
The BAUER Group serves different business areas and therefore different customer groups. We developed a fundamentally new structure and system concept to address them all with a standardised appearance. The user-centred approach of user-centred design also proved to be an effective method in this project in order to offer all stakeholders throughout the Group a convincing user experience.
The relaunch of the website is also part of a comprehensive modernisation of BAUER's corporate design. Since last year, the group of companies has been renewing its entire image, including the web.
(Photo: BAUER Group)