Splash Awards 2024 for the BAUER platform and the AI tutor from Duden Learnattack

Yesterday evening, we received two awards in Berlin: At the Splash Awards 2024, the BAUER Group's Global Platform and the AI tutor Kim from Duden Learnattack (Cornelsen) were honoured in the ‘Enterprise International’ and ‘Solutions’ categories.
The AI Tutor Kim also received an Honourable Mention for ‘Most Inspiring Technical Solution & Greatest Business Case’. The Umovity website (PTV Group) was nominated by the jury for the ‘Enterprise International’ category.
The Drupal community has been honouring outstanding solutions based on the content management framework at the Splash Awards since 2017. UEBERBIT has already received the award several times for websites and intranets.
Detailed information on the 2024 winners can be found in our Success Stories.
(Photo: from left Willi Woldt, Lisa Preßmar, Florian Weber, all from UEBERBIT; ©Duden Learnattack/Björn Hoffmann)