A tool to achieve more WOW

"In the digital age, the greatest capital lies in the employees" says one of Germany's largest asset managers, Commerz Real - and pursues the goal of creating a sustainably innovative corporate culture to drive its competitive and innovative capabilities. Within two years, the company developed into a highly dynamic organization with a startup culture.

Commerz Real had developed a strategic vision for this: CR WOW. The WOW stands not least for the feeling that Commerz Real wants to evoke in each and every one of its more than 700 employees. From the very beginning, it was clear that cultural and digital transformation are closely linked. And so at the heart of this process was a contemporary intranet, christened Com.In through an internal competition - communicative, supersocial, responsive. On the one hand, it serves as an open ear for the workforce, because every message is accompanied by appropriate feedback. On the other hand, it is also a tool for documenting small and very big successes, for information, collaboration and knowledge management.
UEBERBIT is "in cahoots" with those responsible for this process. Along the strategic roadmap, we jointly develop ideas that motivate the workforce and relate them to each other. Our team also sees the WOW as its own aspiration when working on the intranet.
Com.In Features
Front-Door Intranet
The Drupal-based Com.In functions as a "front-door intranet", i.e. it forms the central access point to the digital workplace of the employees. The system is flexible when it comes to integrating individual, specialized applications and is always extremely user-friendly. Innovative knowledge management offerings, such as the question-and-answer tool modeled on the gutefrage.net platform, complement the intranet and provide the platform with the necessary user acceptance. The expert search helps locate and contact colleagues - even across departmental and branch boundaries.
Users in the focus of development
Just as the content of the intranet is strictly geared to employee needs, we also develop and optimize functions and interfaces exclusively with the user in mind. In doing so, we use all available technologies to analyze user behavior and continuously adapt offerings and functions accordingly.
Our design team also makes its contribution to WOW with great passion - on a large scale, such as in the design of a friendly and appealing interface, and also in detail, such as lovingly designed badges with which employees can recognize each other.

Ongoing agile!
The Commerz Real intranet was designed as an agile platform from the very beginning. It always covers the current needs and at the same time accompanies the continuous change of the company. With Drupal, we have created the technological basis to be able to co-develop the system in the long term. The common list of ideas is long, the cooperation is practiced. We don't yet know what the intranet will offer in the next few years, but we are sure it will lead to WOW for everyone involved.

Social Intranet
Content Management Framework Drupal
Internal communication, knowledge management and collaboration