Social intranet for cross-site communication
The Robert Bosch Stiftung is one of the largest corporate foundations in Europe. It works on a non-profit, independent, and non-partisan basis in the funding areas of health, education, and global issues. As the leading internal medium, the intranet connects the entire workforce – also on mobile smartphones.

Focus on user wishes
The demands on internal communication in organizations are constantly changing and require adapted concepts. The Robert Bosch Stiftung is also constantly developing its intranet: Around nine years after the launch of its intranet, it put it to the test together with us as a digital agency. The new application is significantly more interactive and personal than its predecessor: We updated it technically and in terms of design, and added a number of functionalities. It promotes exchange with each other even more effectively and provides relevant information in a personalized way.
In order to fully meet the needs of users and provide them with an optimal user experience, we employed the User Centered Design method in the conception of the intranet. Using expert interviews and a requirements analysis as a starting point, we developed use cases and user stories. In this way, the users with their tasks and goals were at the center of the entire conception, design and development process. This ensures a high level of acceptance of the application.

Powerful internal platform
With a current version of the Drupal content framework as a basis, the Robert Bosch Stiftung is optimally equipped. The platform offers employees a range of options for searching for information and publishing their own content. They can set their personal links and favorites directly on the intranet's homepage, thus creating their own individual starting point for the workday. A high proportion of images and video throughout the content makes the intranet appealing and emotional.
Those who want to create content themselves can do so in the form of short messages or a blog post, for example. Throughout the intranet, there are also opportunities to comment or otherwise respond. A notification center informs users about updates and feedback on their own contributions.
Central image and document management supports the workflow of editors when maintaining content. Prefabricated templates offer them added convenience.

Sustainable networking and communication
The Robert Bosch Stiftung intranet is a user-oriented solution for internal communication that involves the entire workforce. Even beyond the Foundation's two locations in Stuttgart and Berlin and the different divisions, the platform promotes exchange and motivates active feedback. In a changing working world, it will form the digital home of employees in the long term.
Our employees are the focus of attention; they should accept the new intranet as their digital home. For the requirements analysis, UEBERBIT worked out the needs of the various internal roles in expert interviews. This enabled us to design and set up the new application in a targeted manner. The professional project design, the appealing and user-oriented design and the innovative programming as well as the competent technical support and consulting in all aspects have enriched our project. We perceived the colleagues of UEBERBIT as partners - for the common success.

mobile-enabled intranet
Control information, promote communication and interaction
content management framework Drupal