Intranet for 1,700 employees

Company-wide networking
Aristo Pharma produces and distributes high-quality, cost-effective medicinal products at several locations in Germany and other European countries. Currently, six individual companies are united under the umbrella brand Aristo Pharma. Their merger, the transnational activities as well as the constant company growth require an effective instrument for the exchange of knowledge and cooperation beyond site and national borders.
User-centred conception
The wishes and expectations of all employees were the starting point for the conception of the intranet. In a kick-off workshop with all important stakeholders as well as two internal employee surveys, the project team determined the requirements for the platform. The insights gained as well as usage scenarios with personas and user stories served as the basis for the implementation of arinet. On the technological side, Drupal 8 was used - a powerful content management system with many possibilities for future challenges at Aristo Pharma.

Corporate Intranet
The intranet, which was launched at the beginning of 2019, offers its users news, dates, documents to download and location information with maps based on OpenStreetMap. A highly requested functionality is a cross-location employee directory that shows communication connections such as telephone and email address as well as language skills and personal skills. This can be used to identify experts on specific topics in the company, if required. Social interaction options such as liking, sharing and commenting are available throughout the application. We also set up virtual working groups for Aristo Pharma to facilitate exchange and collaboration in projects.

Production workers and other employees of Aristo Pharma who do not have access to a desktop computer use arinet as a kiosk solution in the break rooms via simple authentication.

Knowledge and work platform for around 1,700 employees
Kiosk terminal access for activities without a PC workstation
Cross-location employee directory with expert search